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Posted Posted in Travel

Op 5 oktober 2020 sturen Nederlandse burgers een leeg vliegtuig naar de luchthaven van Lesbos. Aan boord is er plek voor 189 mensen uit het voormalige kamp Moria. Het doel is Nederland op die manier te overtuigen alsnog te beginnen met het reloceren van een fatsoenlijk aantal mensen uit de onmenselijke omstandigheden waarin Europese politiek […]

“What was the purpose of your visit to Lesbos?” and other questions for Let’s Bring them Here.

Posted Posted in English

What was the purpose of your visit to Lesbos, Greece?We came to the island to urge the Dutch Government to start relocating refugees. As citizens of the Netherlands we have raised awareness in all kinds of ways, with petitions, demonstrations, diplomacy and more. After the fire in camp Moria our government really hesitated to act. […]

Betreft: Uw antwoord van 2/10

Posted Posted in Travel

Geachte staatssecretaris, beste Ankie, Namens alle burgers die de vlucht ED3040 en ED3041 mogelijk hebben gemaakt op 5 oktober en 7 oktober aanstaande, en degenen die hiermee sympathiseren, danken wij u voor uw reactie en de waardering van de goede wil.  U schrijft dat ons initiatief de huidige reeds in gang gezette inspanningen van de […]


Posted Posted in English

Why an airlift?Even before the fire, the overcrowded camps on Lesvos and other Greek islands were inhumane places. Now that camp Moria has burned down, Europe must take immediate action and evacuate people. The government has to break open the ‘deal’ of Thursday September 10th to take in 100 people, and take in at least […]

Reaction from State Secretary

Posted Posted in English

2020-10-02 Dear mr. Voorberg, I received your letter dated October 2nd. I understand from your letter your organization has rented an airplane and is planning on flying it to Lesbos with the intention to transfer back immigrants and refugees from Lesbos to the Netherlands. I understand your desire to help the immigrants and refugees in […]

To State Secretary Broekers-Knol

Posted Posted in English

Concerns: Flight ED3041 Dear Mrs. Broekers-Knol, You are very well aware of the misery that takes place in the European refugee camps in Greece: Camp Moria on Lesbos was recently burned down. It has been replaced by a closed camp, where the situation is even more inhumane – we had not thought that was possible. […]